Edge of the Bleeding Abyss

After writing Echoes, I decided to strike out in a somewhat different fictional direction.

Edge of the Bleeding Abyss is a sort of meta-novel, structurally inspired by the Arabian Nights.  It’s a series of short-stories dealing with  radical-futurist themes: advanced AI’s going bonkers and/or doing naughty things, Singularitarian transcension events, the impending irrelevance of humanity, superhuman intelligences from other dimensions and so forth.  But there is also a meta-story, involving some folks telling these short stories to a potentially destructive AI.

The stories are all quite different from each other in style, form and content. But some of them interconnect in various ways, including some common characters, universes and themes.

I wrote this stuff during 2007-2008, and finally finished it off during January 2009.