brief history of the universe
ben goertzel
I've Always been told
to begin AT the beginning
It all started out
with a vague mOving or spinning
First there was the nOthing --
about which I've nothing to say --
but somehow, or nOhow,
the nothing gave way
Time emerged i'd
something surged give up everything
something verged on existing in my life
The core of the nothing to spend one moment
started bEnding and twisting at the very center
started starting perhaps -- of her delirious
here language falls all apart soul
The Universe, as we call it,
began to beat like a heart
This was LOVE, elemental
No body or mind FLAP your scabby,
Only the crave to return, kneecaps apart
the primal wholeness to find my little whore!!
Move apart!
feel the difference outside
There's you and there's me
Come together now, darling -- can you feel the
how close can we be? see the
Once was one, hear the
now is two, taste the
broken symmetry, done difference
Once was none, difference?
then another, difference?
then none became one,
and the other was two,
and the party's begun
and the wonderful sensual smell of her breath
comes to life, and the reeking of animal death
and the perfect confusion of thoughts that kill sense
and the look on her face when she's angry and tense
and the O of her mouth when she has a big O
and the pointless disputes that all couples must know
and the love and the hate and the beauty and fear
and everything, everything, starts off RIGHT HERE
All the chemicals, animals, plants, people, cliques
Everything that is lovely or that makes me sick
It's a big fucking mess, that's the only real fact
It call came out of nothing – when's it gonna go back?
Is it still pure perfection, is it love, is it sweet?
It all depends on the moment
She makes me feel so complete
Four pOint two billion years later
give or take a bit
The universe has expAnded
All sorts of structures in It
Stars and planets and gAlaxies,
nebulas, quAsars,
And in a small corner
the plAces we call ours
-- the bioLOGICal RObots
we call women and men
The situations we gEt in
again and again
broken symmetry
We're all parts of the nothing love
split off wildly spinning
repEating the story
of the very beginning
I crave dear your
We're separAte; in our separateness tongue on my tongue
we find our glory and your
But perfection is always a unified story
We strive back for oneness,
for nothing again Lust Supreme
Reach out for togetherness, breath on my
lovers and friends skin
To embed OURselves in history,
leave mysterious marks
Anything but to be left
alone in the dark