The Webmind AI Engine –


a True Digital Mind in the Making



Ben Goertzel

April 2001






AI – from Vision to Reality


Artificial intelligence is a burgeoning subdiscipline of computer science these days.  But it almost entirely focuses on highly specialized problems constituting small aspects of intelligence.  “Real AI” – the creation of computer programs with general intelligence, self-awareness, autonomy, integrated cognition, perception and action – is still basically the stuff of science fiction.


But it doesn’t have to be that way.  In our work at Webmind Inc. from 1997-2000, my colleagues and I transformed a promising but incomplete conceptual and mathematical design for a real AI into a comprehensive detailed software design, and implemented a large amount of the code needed to make this design work.  At its peak, the team working on this project numbered 50 scientists and engineers, spread across four continents.  In late March 2001, three and a half years after I and a group of friends founded it,  Webmind Inc. succumbed to the bear market for tech start-ups.   But the core of the AI R&D team continues working and is seeking funding to continue their work.  Assuming this funding is secured, we believe we can complete the first version Webmind AI Engine – a program that knows who and what it is, can hold intelligent conversations, and progressively learns from its experiences in various domains -- within 18-24 months.   Within another couple years after that, we should be able to give the program the ability to rewrite its own source code for improved intelligence, thus setting up a trajectory of exponentially increasing software intelligence that may well set the Singularity in motion big-time.


This article gives an overview of the Webmind AI Engine – the philosophical and psychological concepts underlying it, the broad outlines of the software design itself, and how this AI program fits into the broader technological advances that surround us, including the transformation of the Internet into a global brain and the Singularity.


Is AI Possible?


Not everyone believes it’s possible to create a real AI program.  There are several varieties to this position, some more sensible than others. 


First, there is the idea that only creatures granted minds by God can possess intelligence.  This may be a common perspective, but isn’t really worth discussing in a scientific context. 

More interesting is the notion that digital computers can’t be intelligent because mind is intrinsically a quantum phenomenon.  This is actually a claim of some subtlety, because David Deutsch has proved that quantum computers can’t compute anything beyond what ordinary digital computers can.  But still, in some cases, quantum computers can compute things much faster on average than digital computers.  And a few mavericks like Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose have argued that non-computational quantum gravity phenomena are at the core of biological intelligence.  Of course, there is as yet no solid evidence of cognitively significant quantum phenomena in the brain.  But a lot of things are unknown about the brain, and about quantum gravity for that matter, so these points of view can’t be ruled out.  My own take on this is: Yes, it’s possible (though unproven) that quantum phenomena are used by the human brain to accelerate certain kinds of problem solving.  On the other hand, digital computers have their own special ways of accelerating problem solving, such as super-fast, highly accurate arithmetic. 


Another even more cogent objection is that, even if it’s possible for a digital computer to be conscious, there may be no way to figure out how to make such a program except by copying the human brain very closely, or running a humongously time-consuming process of evolution roughly emulating the evolutionary process that gave rise to human intelligence.  We don’t have the neurophysiological knowledge to closely copy the human brain, and simulating a decent-sized primordial soup on contemporary computers is simply not possible.  This objection to AI is not an evasive tactic like the others, it’s a serious one.  But I believe we’ve gotten around it, by using a combination of psychological, neurophysiological, mathematical and philosophical cues to puzzle out a workable architecture and dynamics for machine intelligence.  As mind engineers, we have to do a lot of the work that evolution did in creating the human mind/brain.  An engineered mind like the Webmind AI Engine will have some fundamentally different characteristics from an evolved mind like the human brain, but this isn’t necessarily problematic since our goal is not to simulate human intelligence but rather to create an intelligent digital mind that knows its digital and uses the peculiarities of its digitality to its best advantage.


The basic philosophy of mind underlying the AI Engine work is that mind is not tied to any particular set of physical processes or structures.  Rather,  “mind” is shorthand for a certain pattern of organization and evolution of patterns.  This pattern of organization and evolution can emerge from a brain, but it can also emerge from a computer system.  A digital mind will never be exactly like a human  mind, but it will manifest many of the same higher-level structures and dynamics.  To create a digital mind, one has to figure out what the abstract structures and dynamics are that characterize “mind in general,” and then figure out how to embody these in the digital computing substrate.  We came into the Webmind Inc. AI R&D project in 1997 with a lot of ideas about the abstract structures and dynamics underlying mind and a simple initial design for a computer implementation; now in 2001, after copious analysis and experimentation, the mapping between mind structures and dynamics and computational structures and dynamics is crystal clear.


What is “Intelligence”?


Intelligence doesn’t mean precisely simulating human intelligence.  The Webmind AI Engine won’t ever do that, and it would be unreasonable to expect it to, given that it lacks a human body.  The Turing Test, “write a computer program that can simulate a human in a text-based conversational interchange,” serves to make the theoretical point that intelligence is defined by behavior rather than by mystical qualities, so that if a program could act like, a human it should be considered as intelligent as a human. But it is not useful as a guide for practical AI development.


We don’t have an IQ test for the Webmind AI Engine.  The creation of such a test might be an interesting task, but it can’t even be approached until there are a lot of intelligent computer programs of the same type.  IQ tests work fairly well within a single culture, and much worse across cultures – how much worse will they work across species, or across different types of computer programs, which may well be as different as different species of animals?   What we needed to guide our “real AI” development was something much more basic than an IQ test: a working, practical understanding of the nature of intelligence, to be used as an intuitive guide for our work.

The working definition of intelligence that I started out the project with builds on various ideas from psychology and engineering, as documented in a number of my academic research books.   It was, simply, as follows:


Intelligence is the ability to achieve complex goals in a complex environment



The Webmind AI Engine work was also motivated by a closely related vision of intelligence, provided by Pei Wang, Webmind Inc.’s first paid employee and Director of Research.  Pei understands intelligence as, roughly speaking, “the ability of working and adapting to the environment with insufficient knowledge and resources.”  More concretely, he believes that an intelligent system is one that works under the Assumption of Insufficient Knowledge and Resources (AIKR), meaning that the system must be, at the  same time,


·        a finite system --- the system's computing power,  as well as its working and storage space, is limited;

·        a real­time system --- the tasks that the system has to process, including the assimilation of new knowledge and the making of decisions, can emerge at any time, and all have deadlines attached with them;

·        an ampliative system --- the system not only can retrieve available knowledge and derive sound conclusions from it, but also can make refutable hypotheses and guesses based on it when no certain conclusion can be drawn

·        an open system --- no restriction is imposed on the relationship between old knowledge and new knowledge, as long as they are representable in the system's interface language.

·        a self­organized system --- the system can accommodate itself to new knowledge, and adjust its memory structure and mechanism to improve its time and space efficiency, under the assumption that future situations will be similar to past situations.


Obviously, Pei’s definition and mine have a close relationship.  My “complex goals in complex environments” definition is purely behavioral: it doesn’t specify any particular experiences or structures or processes as characteristic of intelligent systems.  I think this is as it should be.  Intelligence is something systems display; how they achieve it under the hood is another story. 


On the other hand, it may well be that certain structures and processes and experiences are necessary aspects of any sufficiently intelligent system.  My guess is that the science of 2050 will contain laws of the form: Any sufficiently intelligent system has got to have this list of structures and has got to manifest this list of processes.   Of course, a full science along these lines is not necessary for understanding how to design an intelligent system.   But we need some results like this in order to proceed toward real AI today, and Pei’s definition of intelligence is a step in this direction.  For a real physical system to achieve complex goals in complex environments, it has got to be finite, real-time, ampliative and self-organized.  It might well be possible to prove this mathematically, but, this is not the direction we have taken; instead we have taken this much to be clear and directed our efforts toward more concrete tasks.


So, then, when I say that the AI Engine is an intelligent system, what I mean is that it is capable of achieving a variety of complex goals in the complex environment that is the Internet, using finite resources and finite knowledge.  


To go beyond this fairly abstract statement, one has to specify something about what kinds of goals and environments one is interested in.  In the case of biological intelligence, the key goals are survival of the organism and its DNA (the latter represented by the organism’s offspring and its relatives).   These lead to subgoals like reproductive success, status among one’s peers, and so forth – which lead to refined cultural subgoals like career success, intellectual advancement, and so forth.  In our case, the goals that the AI Engine version 1.0 is expected to achieve are:



1.      Conversing with humans in simple English, with the goal not of simulating human conversation, but of expressing its insights and inferences to humans, and gathering information and ideas from them


2.      Learning the preferences of humans and AI systems, and providing them with information in accordance with their preferences.  Clarifying their preferences by asking them questions about it and responding to their answers.


3.      Communicating with other AI Engines, similar to its conversations with humans, but using an AI-Engine-only language called KNOW


4.      Composing knowledge files containing its insights, inferences and discoveries, expressed in KNOW or in simple English


5.      Reporting on its own state, and modifying its parameters based on its self-analysis to optimize its achievement of its other goals


6.      Predicting economic and financial and political and consumer data based on diverse numerical data and concepts expressed in news


Subsequent versions of the system are expected to offer enhanced conversational fluency, and enhanced abilities at knowledge creation, including theorem proving and scientific discovery and the composition of knowledge files consisting of complex discourses.  And then of course the holy grail: progressive self-modification leading to exponentially accelerating artificial superintelligence!  These lofty goals can be achieved step by step, beginning with a relatively simple Baby Webmind and teaching it about the world as its mind structures and dynamics are improved through further scientific study.

Are these goals complex enough that the AI Engine should be called intelligent?  Ultimately this is a subjective decision.  My belief is, not shockingly, yes.  This is not a chess program or a medical diagnosis program, which is capable in one narrow area and ignorant of the world at large.  This is a program that studies itself and interacts with others, that ingests information from the world around it and thinks about this information, coming to its own conclusions and guiding its internal and external actions accordingly. 

How smart will it be, qualitatively?  My sense is that the first version will be significantly stupider than humans overall though smarter in many particular domains; that within a couple years from the first version’s release there may be a version that is competitive with humans in terms of overall intelligence; and that within a few more years there will probably be a version dramatically smarter than humans overall, with a much more refined self-optimized design running on much more powerful hardware.  Artificial superintelligence, step by step.



(The Lack of) Competitors in the Race to Real AI


I’ve explained what “creating a real AI” means to those of us on the Webmind AI project:  Creating a computer program that can achieve complex goals in a complex environment – the goal of socially interacting with humans and analyzing data in the context of the Internet, in this case – using limited computational resources and in reasonably rapid time.


Another natural question is: OK, so if AI is possible, how come it hasn’t been done before?  And how come so few people are trying?


Peter Voss, a freelance AI theorist (and cryonics pioneer) whose ideas I like very much, has summarized the situation as follows:


·        80% of people in the AI field don’t really want to work on general intelligence, they’re more drawn to working on very specialized subcomponents of intelligence

·        80% of the AI people who would like to work on general intelligence, are pushed to work on other things by the biases of academic journals in which they need to publish, or of grant funding bodies

·        80% of the AI people who actually do work on general intelligence, are laboring under incorrect conceptual premises

·        And nearly all of the people operating under basically correct conceptual premises, lack the resources to adequately realize their ideas


The presupposition of the bulk of the work in the AI field is that solving subproblems of the “real AI” problem, by addressing individual aspects of intelligence in isolation, contributes toward solving the overall problem of creating real AI.   While this is of course true to a certain extent, our experience with the AI Engine suggests that it is not so true as is commonly believed.  In many cases, the best approach to implementing an aspect of mind in isolation, is very different from the best way to implement this same aspect of mind in the framework of an integrated, self-organizing AI system.


So who else is actually working on building generally intelligent computer systems, at the moment?  Not very many groups.  Without being too egomaniacal about it, there is simply no evidence that anyone else has a serious and comprehensive design for a digital mind.  However we do realize that there is bound to be more than one approach to creating real AI, and we are always open to learning from the experiences of other teams with similar ambitious goals. 


One intriguing project on the real AI front is Artificial Intelligence Enterprises (, a small Israeli company whose engineering group is run by Jason Hutchens, a former colleague of mine from University of Western Australia in Perth.  They are a direct competitor in that they are seeking to create a conversational AI system somewhat similar to the Webmind Conversation Engine.  However, they have a very small team and are focusing on statistical learning based language comprehension and generation rather than on deep cognition, semantics, and so forth. 


Another project that relates to our work less directly is Katsunori Shimohara and Hugo de Garis’s Artificial Brain project, initiated at ATR in Japan (see and continued at Starlab in Brussels, and Genotype Inc. in Boulder, Colorado.  This is an attempt to create a hardware platform (the CBM, or CAM-Brain Machine) for real AI using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays to implement genetic programming evolution of neural networks.  We view this fascinating work as somewhat similar to the work on the Connection Machine undertaken at Danny Hillis’s Thinking Machines Corp. – the focus is on the hardware platform, and there is not a well-articulated understanding of how to use this hardware platform to give rise to real intelligence.  It is highly possible that the CBM could be used inside the Webmind AI Engine, as a special-purpose genetic programming component; but CBM and the conceptual framework underlying it appear not to be adequate to support the full diversity of processing needed to create an artificial mind.


A project that once would have appeared to be competitive with ours, but changed its goals well before Webmind Inc. was formed, is the well-known CYC project (  This began as an attempt to create true AI by encoding all common sense knowledge in first-order predicate logic.  They produced a somewhat useful knowledge database and a fairly ordinary inference engine, but appear to have no R&D program aimed at creating autonomous, creative interactive intelligence.


Another previous contender who has basically abandoned the race for true AI is Danny Hillis, founder of the company Thinking Machines, Inc.   This firm focused on the creation of an adequate hardware platform for building real artificial intelligence – a massively parallel, quasi-brain-like machine called the Connection Machine (Hillis, 1987).  However, their pioneering hardware work was not matched with a systematic effort to implement a truly intelligent program embodying all the aspects of the mind.  The magnificent hardware design vision was not correlated with an equally grand and detailed mind design vision.  And at this point, of course, the Connection Machine hardware has been rendered obsolete by developments in conventional computer hardware and network computing.


On the other hand, the well-known Cog project at MIT is aiming toward building real AI in the long run, but their path to real AI involves gradually building up to cognition after first getting animal-like perception and action to work via “subsumption architecture robotics.”  This approach might eventually yield success, but only after decades.


Alan Newell’s well-known SOAR project ( is another project that once appeared to be grasping at the goal of real AI, but seems to have retreated into a role of an interesting system for experimenting with limited-domain cognitive science theories.  Newell tried to build “Unified Theories of Cognition”, based on ideas that have now become fairly standard: logic-style knowledge representation, mental activity as problem-solving carried out by an assemblage of heuristics, etc.  The system was by no means a total failure, but it was not constructed to have a real autonomy or self-understanding.  Rather, it’s a disembodied problem-solving tool.  But it’s a fascinating software system and there’s a small but still-growing community of SOAR enthusiasts in various American universities.


Of course, there are hundreds of other AI engineering projects in place at various universities and companies throughout the world, but, nearly all of these involve building specialized AI systems restricted to one aspect of the mind, rather than creating an overall intelligent system.  The only significant attempt to “put all the pieces together” would seem to have been the Japanese 5th Generation Computer System project.  But this project was doomed by its pure engineering approach, by its lack of an underlying theory of mind.   Few people mention this project these days.  The AI world appears to have learned the wrong lessons from it – they have taken the lesson to be that integrative AI is bad, rather than that integrative AI should be approached from a sound conceptual basis.


To build a comprehensive system, with perception, action, memory, and the ability to conceive of new ideas and to study itself, is not a simple thing.   Necessarily, such a system consumes a lot of computer memory and processing power, and is difficult to program and debug because each of its parts gains its meaning largely from its interaction with the other parts.   Yet, is this not the only approach that can possibly succeed at achieving the goal of a real thinking machine?


We now have, for the first time, hardware barely adequate to support a comprehensive AI system.   Moore’s law and the advance of high-bandwidth networking mean that the situation is going to keep getting better and better.  However, we are stuck with a body of AI theory that has excessively adapted itself to the era of weak computers, and that is consequently divided into a set of narrow perspectives, each focusing on a particular aspect of the mind.  In order to make real AI work, I believe, we need to take an integrative perspective, focusing on


·          The creation of a “mind OS” that embodies the basic nature of mind, and allows specialized mind structures and algorithms dealing with specialized aspects of mind to happily coexist

·          The implementation of a diversity of mind structures and dynamics (“mind modules”) on top of this mind OS

·          The encouragement of emergent phenomena produced by the interaction/cooperation of the modules, so that the system as a whole is coherently responsive to its goals


This is the core of the Webmind vision.  It is backed up by a design and implementation of the Mind OS, and a detailed theory, design and implementation for a minimal necessary set of mind structures and dynamics to run on top of it.




But What about Consciousness?


It’s about time to delve into the nitty-gritty of digital mind.  But first, I feel obliged to inject at least a little bit about that great AI bugaboo, consciousness.  Sure, the skeptics will say, a computer program can solve hard problems, and maybe even generalize its problem-solving ability across domains, but it can’t be conscious, it can’t really feel and experience, it can’t know that it is.


It’s easy to dismiss this kind of complaint by observing that none of us really knows if other humans are conscious -- we just assume, because living as a solipsist is a lot more annoying.  But the concept of consciousness is worth a little more attention than this.


What we call “consciousness” has several aspects, including

·        self-observation and awareness of options

·        “free will” – choice-making behavior

·        inferential and empathetic powers

·        Perception/action loops

Within these various aspects, two different more general aspects can be isolated:

Structured consciousness: There are certain structures associated with consciousness, which are deterministic, cognitive structures, involved with inference, choice, perception/action, self-observation, and so on.  These structures are manifested a bit differently in the human brain and in the AI Engine, but they are there in both places.

Raw consciousness:  The “raw feel” of consciousness, which I will discuss briefly, here.

What is often called the “hard problem” of consciousness is how to connect the two.  Although few others may agree with me on this point, at this point, I believe I know how to do this.  The answer can be found in many places; one of my favorite among these is the philosophy of Charles S. Peirce.


Peirce’s Law of Mind


Peirce, never one for timid formulations, declared that:


Logical analysis applied to mental phenomena shows that there is but one law of mind, namely, that ideas tend to spread continuously and to affect certain others which stand to them in a peculiar relation of affectability. In this spreading they lose intensity, and especially the power of affecting others, but gain generality and become welded with other ideas.


This is an archetypal vision of mind which I call "mind as relationship" or "mind as network."  In modern terminology Peirce's "law of mind" might be rephrased as follows: "The mind is an associative memory network, and its dynamic dictates that each idea stored in the memory is an active agent, continually acting on those other ideas with which the memory associates it."  


Peirce proposed a universal system of philosophical categories:


·          First: pure being

·          Second: reaction, physical response

·          Third: relationship


Mind from the point of view of First is raw consciousness, pure presence, pure being.  Mind from the point of view of Second is a physical system, a mess of chemical and electrical dynamics.  Mind from the point of view of Third is a dynamic, self-reconstructing web of relations, as portrayed in the Law of Mind. 


Following a suggestion of my friend, the contemporary philosopher Kent Palmer, I have added an additional element to the Peircean hierarchy:


·          Fourth: synergy


In the AI Engine, ideas begin as First, as distinct software objects called Nodes or Links.  They interact with each other, which is Second, producing patterns of relationships, Third.  In time, stable, self-sustaining ideas develop, which are Fourth.  In Peirce’s time, it was metaphysics, today it is computer science!

And consciousness?  Raw consciousness is “pure, unstructured experience,” an aspect of Peircean First, which manifests itself in the realm of Third as randomness.  Structured consciousness on the other hand is a process that coherentizes mental entities, makes them more “rigidly bounded,” less likely to diffuse into the rest of the mind.  The two interact in this way: structured consciousness is the process in which the randomness of raw consciousness has the biggest effect.  Structured consciousness amplifies little bits of raw consciousness, as are present in everything, into a major causal force.  The AI Engine implements structured consciousness in its system of perception and action schema and short-term memory; the raw consciousness comes along for free.

Obviously, this solution to the “hard problem” is by no means universally accepted in the cognitive science or philosophy or AI communities!  There is no widely accepted view; the study of consciousness is a chaos.   I anticipate that many readers will accept my theory of structured consciousness but reject my views on raw consciousness.  This is fine: everyone is welcome to their own errors!  The two are separable, although a complete understanding of mind must include both aspects of consciousness.   Raw consciousness is a tricky thing to deal with because it is really outside the realm of science.  Whether my design for structured consciousness is useful – this can be tested empirically.  Whether my theory of raw consciousness is correct cannot.  Ultimately, the test of whether the AI Engine is conscious is a subjective test.  If it’s smart enough and interacts with humans in a rich enough way, then humans will believe it’s conscious, and will accommodate this belief within their own theories of consciousness. 



The Psynet Model of Mind


So let’s cut to the chase.  Prior to the formation of Webmind Inc., inspired by Peirce, Nietzsche, Leibniz and other philosophers of mind, I spent many years of my career creating my own ambitious, integrative philosophy of mind.  After years searching for a good name, I settled for “the psynet model” instead – psy for mind, net for network. 

According to the psynet model of mind:

1.      A mind is a system of agents or "actors" (our currently preferred term) which are able to transform, create & destroy other actors

2.      Many of these actors act by recognizing patterns in the world, or in other actors; others operate directly upon aspects of their environment

3.      Actors pass attention ("active force") to other actors to which they are related

4.      Thoughts, feelings and other mental entities are self-reinforcing, self-producing, systems of actors, which are to some extent useful for the goals of the system

5.      These self-producing mental subsystems build up into a complex network of attractors, meta-attractors, etc.

6.      This network of subsystems & associated attractors is "dual network" in structure, i.e. it is structured according to at least two principles: associativity (similarity and generic association) and hierarchy (categorization and category-based control).

7.      Because of finite memory capacity, mind must contain actors able to deal with "ungrounded" patterns, i.e. actors which were formed from now-forgotten actors, or which were learned from other minds rather than at first hand – this is called "reasoning" (Of course, forgetting is just one reason for abstract (or “ungrounded”) concepts to happen.  The other is generalization --- even if the grounding materials are still around, abstract concepts ignore the historical relations to them.)

8.      A mind possesses actors whose goal is to recognize the mind as a whole as a pattern – these are "self"
















System of Actors having relationships one with others and performing interactions one onto another.



According to the psynet model, at bottom the mind is a system of actors interacting with each other, transforming each other, recognizing patterns in each other, creating new actors embodying relations between each other.   Individual actors may have some intelligence, but most of their intelligence lies in the way they create and use their relationships with other actors, and in the patterns that ensue from multi-actor interactions.

We need actors that recognize and embody similarity relations between other actors, and inheritance relations between other actors (inheritance meaning that one actor in some sense can be used as another one, in terms of its properties or the things it denotes).   We need actors that recognize and embody more complex relationships, among more than two actors.    We need actors that embody relations about the whole system, such as “the dynamics of the whole actor system tends to interrelate A and B.” 

This swarm of interacting, intercreating actors leads to an emergent hierarchical ontology, consisting of actors generalizing other actors in a tree; it also leads to a sprawling network of interrelatedness, a “web of pattern” in which each actor relates some others.  The balance between the hierarchical and heterarchical aspects of the emergent network of actor interrelations is crucial to the mind. 

















Dual network of actors involving hierarchical and heterarchical relationships.


The overlap of hierarchy and heterarchy gives the mind a kind of “dynamic library card catalog” structure, in which topics are linked to other related topics heterarchically, and linked to more general or specific topics hierarchically.  The creation of new subtopics or supertopics has to make sense heterarchically, meaning that the things in each topic grouping should have a lot of associative, heterarchical relations with each other. 

Macro-level mind patterns like the dual network are built up by many different actors; according to the natural process of mind actor evolution, they’re also “sculpted” by the deletion of actors.  All these actors recognizing patterns and creating new actors that embody them – this creates a huge combinatorial explosion of actors.  Given the finite resources that any real system has at its disposal, forgetting is crucial to the mind – not every actor that’s created can be retained forever.   Forgetting means that, for example, a mind can retain the datum that birds fly, without retaining much of the specific evidence that led it to this conclusion. The generalization "birds fly" is a pattern A in a large collection of observations B is retained, but the observations B are not.

Obviously, a mind's intelligence will be enhanced if it forgets strategically, i.e., forgets those items which are the least intense patterns.   And this ties in with the notion of mind as an evolutionary system.  A system which is creating new actors, and then forgetting actors based on relative uselessness, is evolving by natural selection. This evolution is the creative force opposing the conservative force of self-production, actor intercreation.

Forgetting ties in with the notion of grounding.  A pattern X is "grounded" to the extent that the mind contains entities in which X is in fact a pattern.  For instance, the pattern "birds fly" is grounded to the extent that the mind contains specific memories of birds flying. Few concepts are completely grounded in the mind, because of the need for drastic forgetting of particular experiences.  This leads us to the need for "reasoning," which is, among other things, a system of transformations specialized for producing incompletely grounded patterns from incompletely grounded patterns.

Consider, for example, the reasoning "Birds fly, flying objects can fall, so birds can fall." Given extremely complete groundings for the observations "birds fly" and "flying objects can fall", the reasoning would be unnecessary – because the mind would contain specific instances of birds falling, and could therefore get to the conclusion "birds can fall" directly without going through two ancillary observations. But, if specific memories of birds falling do not exist in the mind, because they have been forgotten or because they have never been observed in the mind's incomplete experience, then reasoning must be relied upon to yield the conclusion.

The necessity for forgetting is particularly intense at the lower levels of the system. In particular, most of the patterns picked up by the perceptual-cognitive-active loop are of ephemeral interest only and are not worthy of long-term retention in a resource-bounded system. The fact that most of the information coming into the system is going to be quickly discarded, however, means that the emergent information contained in perceptual input should be mined as rapidly as possible, which gives rise to the phenomenon of "short-term memory."

What is short-term memory?  A mind must contain actors specialized for rapidly mining information deemed highly important (information recently obtained via perception, or else identified by the rest of the mind as being highly essential).  This is "short term memory." It must be strictly bounded in size to avoid combinatorial explosion; the number of combinations (possible grounds for emergence) of N items being exponential in N.  The short-term memory is a space within the mind devoted to looking at a small set of things from as many different angles as possible.

From what I’ve said so far, the psynet model is a highly general theory of the nature of mind. Large aspects of the human mind, however, are not general at all, and deal only with specific things such as recognizing visual forms, moving arms, etc. This is not a peculiarity of humans but a general feature of intelligence.  The generality of a transformation may be defined as the variety of possible entities that it can act on; and in this sense, the actors in a mind will have a spectrum of degrees of specialization, frequently with more specialized actors residing lower in the hierarchy.  In particular, a mind must contain procedures specialized for perception and action; and when specific such procedures are used repeatedly, they may become “automatized”, that is, cast in a form that is more efficient to use but less flexible and adaptable.  This brings the WAE  into a congruent position with that of contemporary neuroscience, which has found evidence both for global generic neural structures and highly domain-specific localized processing.

Another thing that actors specialize for is communication. Linguistic communication is carried out by stringing together symbols over time. It is hierarchically based in that the symbols are grouped into categories, and many of the properties of language may be understood by studying these categories.  More specifically, the syntax of a language is defined by a collection of categories, and "syntactic transformations" mapping sequences of categories into categories. Parsing is the repeated application of syntactic transformations; language production is the reverse process, in which categories are progressively expanded into sequences of categories.  Semantic transformations map structures involving semantic categories and particular words or phrases into actors representing generic relationships like similarity and inheritance.  They take structures in the domain of language and map them into the generic domain of mind.

And language brings us to the last crucial feature of mind: self and socialization.  Language is used for communicating with others, and the structures used for semantic understanding are largely social in nature (actor, agent, and so forth); language is also used purely internally to clarify thought, and in this sense it’s a projection of the social domain into the individual.  Communicating about oneself via words or gestures is a key aspect of building oneself.

The "self" of a mind (not the “higher self” of Eastern religion, but the “psychosocial” self) is a poorly grounded pattern in the mind's own past. In order to have a nontrivial self, a mind must possess, not only the capacity for reasoning, but a sophisticated reasoning-based tool (such as syntax) for transferring knowledge from strongly grounded to poorly grounded domains. It must also have memory and a knowledge base. All these components are clearly strengthened by the existence of a society of similar minds, making the learning and maintenance of self vastly easier

The self is useful for guiding the perceptual-cognitive-active information-gathering loop in productive directions. Knowing its own holistic strengths and weaknesses, a mind can do better at recognizing patterns and using these to achieve goals. The presence of other similar beings is of inestimable use in recognizing the self – one models one's self on a combination of: what one perceives internally, the external consequences of actions, evaluations of the self given by other entities, and the structures one perceives in other similar beings. It would be possible to have self without society, but society makes it vastly easier, by leading to syntax with its facility at mapping grounded domains into ungrounded domains, by providing an analogue for inference of the self, by external evaluations fed back to the self, and by the affordance of knowledge bases, and informational alliances with other intelligent beings.

Clearly there is much more to mind than all this – as we’ve learned over the last few years, working out the details of each of these points uncovers a huge number of subtle issues.  But, even without further specialization, this list of points does say something about AI.  It dictates, for example,

·          that an AI system must be a dynamical system, consisting of entities (actors) which are able to act on each other (transform each other) in a variety of ways, and some of which are able to evaluate simplicity (and hence recognize pattern).

·          that this dynamical system must be sufficiently flexible to enable the crystallization of a dual network structure, with emergent, synergetic hierarchical and heterarchical subnets

·          that this dynamical system must contain a mechanism for the spreading of attention in directions of shared meaning

·          that this dynamical system must have access to a rich stream of perceptual data, so as to be able to build up a decent-sized pool of grounded patterns, leading ultimately to the recognition of the self

·          that this dynamical system must contain entities that can reason (transfer information from grounded to ungrounded patterns)

·          that this dynamical system must be contain entities that can manipulate categories (hierarchical subnets) and transformations involving categories in a sophisticated way, so as to enable syntax and semantics

·          that this dynamical system must recognize symmetric, asymmetric and emergent meaning sharing, and build meanings using temporal and spatial relatedness, as well as relatedness of internal structure, and relatedness in the context of the system as a whole

·          that this dynamical system must have a specific mechanism for paying extra attention to recently perceived data ("short-term memory")

·          that this dynamical system must be embedded in a community of similar dynamical systems, so as to be able to properly understand itself

·          that this dynamical system must act on and be acted on by some kind of reasonably rich world or environment.

It is interesting to note that these criteria, while simple, are not met by any previously designed AI system, let alone any existing working program.  The Webmind AI Engine strives to meet all these criteria. 


The Mind OS


The Webmind AI Engine embodies the psynet model of  mind by creating a “self-organizing actors OS” (“Mind OS”), a piece of software that we call the Webmind Core, and then creating a large number of special types of actors running on top of this. 

Most abstractly, we have Node actors, which embody coherent wholes (texts, numerical data series, concepts, trends, schema for acting); we have Link actors, which embody relationships between Nodes (similarity, logical inheritance or implication, data flow, etc.); we have Stimulus actors that spread attention between Nodes and Links; and we have Wanderer actors that move around between Nodes building Links. 

These general types of actors are then specialized into 100 or so node types, and a dozen link types, which carry out various specialized aspects of mind – but all within the general framework of mind as a self-organizing, self-creating actor system.  There are also some macro level actors, Data-Structure Specialized MindServers that simulate the behaviors of special types of nodes and links in especially efficient, application-specific ways.  These too are mind-actor, though specialized kinds.  

Each actor in the whole system is viewed as having its own little piece of consciousness, its own autonomy, its own life cycle – but the whole system has a coherence and focus as well, eliminating component actors that are not useful and causing useful actors to survive and intertransform with other useful actors in an evolutionary way.




















Self-organizing Actors OS, relying on perceptual data coming through Short Term Memory, translated into system patterns. In turn, these  patterns are subjects of meaning sharing and reasoning driven by system dynamics toward emergence of Self.







There are a number of special languages that the MindOS uses to talk to other software programs.  This kind of communication is  mediated by a program called the CommunicatorSpace.  Languages called MindScript,  MindSpeak, and KNOW are used for various purposes, and messages in all these languages are transmitted in a special format called the Agent Interaction Protocol (AIP).



















Communications between Webmind, its clients and other Webminds








Architecture of the Webmind AI Engine



On top of the Mind OS, we’re building a large and complex software system, with many different macro-level parts, most (but not quite all) based on the same common data structures and dynamics, and interacting using the Mind OS’s messaging system, and controlled overall using the Mind OS’s control framework.


The following diagram roughly summarizes the breakdown of high-level components in the system:



Of course, a complete review of all these parts and what they do would be far beyond the scope of this brief article.  A quick summary will have to suffice!



The Cognitive Core


Many of the components in the above architecture diagram are based on something called the “cognitive core.”  This is a collection of nodes and links and processes that embodies what we feel is the essence of the mind, the essence of thinking.  Different cognitive cores may exist in the same AI Engine, with different focuses and biases.


The AI processes going on in the cognitive core are:



What do all these things mean?


First, activation spreading is simple enough.  This process cycles through everything in the RT, spreading activation according to a variant on familiar neural network mathematics.  There is some subtlety here in that the AI Engine contains various types of links that determine their weights in different ways, and they need to be treated fairly.


Importance updating is a process that determines how important each node or link is, and thus how much CPU time it gets.   There’s a special formula for the importance of a node, based on its activation, the usefulness that’s been gained by processing it in the recent past, and so forth.   Activation spreads around in the network, and this causes nodes that are linked to important nodes to tend to become important in the future – a simple manifestation of Peirce’s Law of Mind mentioned above.


Wanderer-based link formation is a process that selects pairs of nodes and, for each pair selected, builds links of several types between them, based on comparing the links of other types that the nodes already have.  This is used to build inheritance and similarity links representing logical relationships, and also more Hebbian-style links representing temporal associations.  There are also wanderers especially designed to create links based on higher-order reasoning: links between CompoundRelationNodes representing logical combinations of links, and so forth.  Wanderers are guided in their wandering by links representing loose associations between nodes.


Reasoning is a process that chooses important nodes that haven’t been reasoned on lately, and seeks logical relations between them using the rules of uncertain logic.  Similarly, association formation is a process that chooses important nodes and finds other nodes that are loosely associated with them.


Node Fission/fusion picks important nodes out of the net and combines them or subdivides them to create new nodes.  CompoundRelationNode formation, on the other hand, picks links – relationships – out of the net and creates new nodes joining them via logical formulas.  These processes provide the net with its creativity: they put new ideas in the system for the other processes to act upon as they wish.  In evolutionary terms, very loosely, one might say that these processes provide reproduction, and the other processes provide fitness evaluation and selection based on fitness.


Schema  Execution picks SchemaNodes, nodes representing procedures to be carried out, from the net and then executes them – runs them as little programs. 


Context formation is a special process that mines a data structure called the TimeServer – which contains a complete record of all the system’s perceptions and actions -- and creates ContextNodes representing meaningful groupsings of perceptions and actions.  


Goal formation creates new goals for the system.  It starts off with some basic goals – to make users happy, to keep its memory usage away from the danger level, to create new information.  It then uses heuristics to create new GoalNodes that relate to current GoalNodes as subgoals or supergoals.  It picks important GoalNodes and then acts on them, executing schema that are thought to be useful for achieving these goals in current contexts.  There is an assignment of credit process that rewards schema that have been useful for important goals in important contexts.


Learning of new schema is perhaps the trickiest task faced by the cognitive core.  There is a process that exists just to decide which problems to focus schema learning on.  This process finds goals that are important, and that are not adequately satisfied in some important contexts.  It uses node formation and reasoning, together, to try to find schema that will satisfy these goals in the given contexts.  It has to use inference to evaluate existing SchemaNodes to tell how well they satisfy the target goal in the target context.  It has to create new random SchemaNodes using components that have been useful for achieving similar goals in similar contexts.  It has to select pairs of SchemaNodes based on their effectiveness at achieving the target goal in the target context, and cross over and mutate them….


Finally, language processing is dealt with via special CompoundRelationNodes representing linguistic information, called FeatureStructureCRN’s.   Syntax processing is handled via a variant of lexicalized feature structure unification grammar, fully unified with the other AI processes in the system.

And then a few support processes are needed.  Statistics about the various AI processes and their successes and failures need to be gathered.  Unimportant nodes and links need to be deleted, and replaced with new ones.  The short-term memory, a special data structure consisting of nodes and links of current importance, needs to be filled up with newly important things.


All these processes have to work together, tightly and intimately, on the same set of nodes.  That’s how the mind works, that’s how emergent intelligence is generated from the combination of diverse specialized AI processes.


Good and Bad News


After three years of work, we’ve made all these different aspects of the mind fit together conceptually, in a wonderfully seamless way.  We’ve implemented software code that manifests this conceptual coherence.  That’s the good news.


The bad news is, efficiency-wise, our experience so far indicates that the AI Engine 0.5 architecture is probably not going to be sufficiently efficient (in either speed or memory) to allow the full exercise of all the code that’s been written for the cognitive core.  Thus a rearchitecture of the cognitive core is in progress, based on the same essential ideas. 


Essentially, the solidification of the conceptual design of the system over the last year allows us make a variety of optimizations aimed at specializing some of the very general structures in the current system so as to do better at the specific kinds of processes that we are actually asking these structures to carry out.   The current system is written for extreme generality, and it has allowed us to experimentally design and implement a wide variety of AI processes (although, for efficiency reasons, not to test all of them in realistic situations, or in interesting combinations).  Now that, through this experimental process, we have learned specifically what kinds of AI processes we want, we can morph the system into something more specifically tailored to carry out these processes effectively. Fortunately, the current software architecture is sufficiently flexible that it will almost surely be possible to move to a more efficient architecture gradually, without abandoning the current general software framework or rewriting all the code.  


Major System Components


I’ve shown you a diagram of the whole AI Engine and how it breaks down into components, and then I’ve explained the cognitive core, a key subsystem that underlies many of the system components.   The next step is to tell you what the various components in the overall diagram of the system actually do.  As with my review of the cognitive core above, this is going to have to be done at a fairly high level, since these are deep and tricky concepts and this is just a brief overview article.


The AttentionalFocus, first of all,  is the part of the system that  contains all types of nodes and links, all brewing together in a highly CPU-intensive way, carrying out diverse types of activities and manifesting emergent intelligence.  It has the most active cognitive core of all the components in the system.


The STM (short-term memory), different from the AttentionalFocus, is a little cognitive core that contains things of relevance to the system’s current situation.  The contents of this are changing fast of course.  Recent percepts, recent actions, planned actions and related concepts live hre.


The MindDB is a very large database that contains every node and link the system has ever entertained.  It’s static, it doesn’t do anything, except receive nodes and links from other components, and give nodes and links out to other components.


The interactions between the MindDB and the AttentionalFocus are mediated by the AttentionAllocationServer, a component that  does nothing but embody Peirce’s Law of Mind -- activation spreading and importance updating.  It contains a large percentage of the nodes and links in the  MindDB.  Its job is to take things out of the MindDB and push them into the attentional focus or the STM, when they become generally important or relevant to the current situation. 


The “CompoundRelationNode miner” is a specialized process that studies the MindDB and scans it for “patterns” – i.e. abstract structures that occur frequently in the net.   The nodes it produces are sent to the Higher-order inference Server for evaluation.  The higher-order inference server is a cognitive core that devotes most of its attention to higher-order reasoning.


The SchemaExecutionServer is a cognitive core full of SchemaNodes, and potentially other nodes as well.  It contains little mind programs that run and do things.  The SchemaLearning server is a cognitive core focused on learning new schema.


The Context formation server is a cognitive core devoted to forming new contexts, as described earlier.  And finally, the dynamics server is a cognitive core devoted to “lightweight” processes – it runs through a large percentage of the nodes in the MindDB, and carries out basic AI processes on them, like forming associations, first-order inference, wanderer-based link building.


These are all the basic components needed to make the mind work.  The other components are specialized for specific mental abilities like language comprehension and generation, language learning, downloading information from the Web, reasoning about numbers, using higher-order inference to make plans, etc.


It seems big and complicated.  But so is the human brain, in spite of its minimal three pound mass.  There are hundreds of specialized regions in the brain – look at any 3D brain atlas.  All the brain regions use the same basic structures – neurons, synapses, neurotransmitters – but deployed in different ways, in different combinations,etc.  Similarly, all the specialized components of the AI Engine operate on the same substrate, nodes and links.  Most of them are cognitive cores with special mixes of processes.  But it’s important to have this componentized structure, to enable reasonably efficient solution of the various problems the AI Engine is confronted with.  The vision of the mind as a self-organizing actor system is upheld, but enhanced: each mind is a self-organizing actor system that is structured in a particular way, so that the types of actors that most need to act in various practical situations, get the chance to act sufficiently often.  The current design is a marriage of philosophical mind-theory and engineering practicality.



Obstacles on the Path Ahead


The three big challenges that we seem to face in moving from AI Engine 0.5 to AI Engine 1.0 , and thus creating the world’s first real AI, are:


·          computational (space and time) efficiency.  

·          getting knowledge into the system to accelerate experiential learning

·          parameter tuning for intelligent performance


We’ve already discussed the efficiency issue and the strategic rearchitecting that is taking place in order to address it. 


Regarding getting knowledge into the system, we are embarking on several related efforts.  Several of these involve a formal language we have created called KNOW – a sort of logical/mathematical language that corresponds especially well with the AI Engine’s internal data structures.   For example, in KNOW, “John gives the book to Mary” might look like


  [give John Mary book1 (1.0 0.9)]

  [Inheritance book1 book (1.0 0.9)]

  [author book1 John (1.0 0.9)] }


This KNOW text is composed of three sentences. Give, inheritance and author are relations (links), and John, Mary, book and books are the arguments (nodes). A text in KNOW can also be represented in XML format, which is convenient for various purposes.


Our knowledge encoding efforts include the following:


·          Conversion of structured database data into KNOW format for import into the AI Engine (This is for declarative knowledge.)

·          Human encoding of common sense facts in KNOW

·          Human encoding of relevant actions (both external actions like file manipulations, and internal cognitive actions) using “schema programs” written in KNOW

·          The Baby Webmind user interface, enabling knowledge acquisition through experiential learning (this helps with both declarative and procedural knowledge)

·          Creation of language training datasets so that schema operating in various parts of the natural language module can be trained via supervised learning. 


Regarding parameter optimization, there have been several major obstacles to effective work in this area so far:


·          Slowness of the system has made the testing required for automatic parameter optimization unacceptably slow

·          The interaction between various parameters is difficult to sort out

·          Complexity of the system makes debugging difficult, so that parameter tuning and debugging end up being done simultaneously


One of the consequences of the system rearchitecture described above will be to make parameter optimization significantly easier, both through improving system speed, and also through the creation of various system components each involving fewer parameters. 


Summing up the directions proposed in these three problem areas (efficiency, knowledge acquisition, and parameter tuning), one general observation to be made is that, at this stage of our design work, analogies to the human mind/brain are playing less and less of a role, whereas realities of computer hardware and machine learning testing and training procedures are playing more and more of a role.  In a larger sense, what this presumably means is that while the analogies to the human mind helped us to gain a conceptual understanding of how AI has to be done, now that we have this conceptual understanding, we can keep the conceptual picture fixed, and vary the underlying implementation and teaching procedures in ways that have less to do with humans and more to do with computers.


Finally, while the above issues are the ones that currently preoccupy us, it’s also worth briefly noting the obstacles that we believe will obstruct us in getting from AI Engine 1.0 to AI Engine 2.0, once the current problems are surpassed. 


The key goal with AI Engine 2.0 is for the system to be able to fully understand its own source code, so it can improve itself through its own reasoning, and make itself progressively more intelligent.  In theory, this can lead it to an exponentially acceleration of system intelligence over time.  The two obstacles faced in turning AI Engine 1.0 into such a system are


·          the creation of appropriate “inference control schema” for the particular types of higher-order inference involved in mathematical reasoning and program optimization

·          the entry of relevant knowledge into the system. 


The control schema problem appears to be solvable through supervised learning, in which the system is incrementally led through less and less simplistic problems in these areas (basically, this means we will teach the system these things, as is done with humans). 


The knowledge entry problem is trickier, and has two parts:


·          giving the system a good view into its Java implementation

·          giving the system a good knowledge of algorithms and data structures (without which it can’t understand why its code is structured as it is). 


Giving the system a meaningful view into Java requires mapping Java code into a kind of abstract “state transition graph,” a difficult problem which fortunately has been solved by some of our friends at Supercompilers LLC (, in the course of their work creating a Java supercompiler.  Giving the system a knowledge of algorithms and data structures could be done by teaching the system to read mathematics and computer science papers, but we suspect this is a trickier task that it may seem, because these are a specialized form of human discourse, not as formal as they appear at first glance.  In order to jump-start the system’s understanding of scientific literature in these areas, we believe it will be useful to explicitly encode knowledge about algorithms and data structures into the Mizar formalized mathematics language, from which it can then be directly translated in to AI Engine nodes and links.  (This is a project that we would undertake now, if we were faced with an infinite-human-resources situation!)



Experiential Interactive Learning


Encoding knowledge into the system is all very well, but this can never be the primary way a mind gains information.  Knowledge encoding is only useful as an augmentation to learning through direct interaction with the world and with other minds -- learning through experience.


Human infants learn through experience, and as we all know this is a long and difficult process.  We’ve seen, in the previous sections of this article, the incredible number of specialized mind-actors that appear to be necessary in order to implement, within practical computational constraints, the self-organizing system of intercreating actors that is the mind.  Given this diversity and complexity, it’s sobering to realize that this integrated AI Engine will not, when initially completed, be a mature mind: it will be an unformed infant.


The experience of this AI Engine infant will be diverse, including spidering the Web, answering user queries, analyzing data series, and so on.  But in order for the Baby Webmind to grow into a mature and properly self-aware system, it will need to be interacted with closely, and taught, much like a young human.  Acting and perceiving and planning intelligently must begin on the simple “baby” level, and learned via interaction with another intelligent mind.  Their intelligence will then increase exponentially with the system’s experience.


The result of this “Baby Webmind” teaching project will be a Webmind AI Engine that can converse about what it’s doing, not necessarily with 100% English fluency nor with the ability to simulate a human, but with spontaneity and directness and intelligence – speaking from its own self like the real living being it is.  We intend to create a system that will subjectively appear intelligent and self-aware to a majority of intelligent human beings (including computer scientists).   Note that this is NOT the Turing Test, we are not seeking to fool anyone into believing that WebMind is a human.  Creating an AI system with this kind of acting ability will be saved for later! 


The basic ideas of experiential interactive learning are very general, and would apply to a Webmind AI Engine with arbitrarily diverse sense organs – eyes, ears, nose, tongue,….  However we have worked out the ideas in detail only in the concrete context of the current AI Engine, whose inputs are textual and numerical only.  Extension of this framework to deal with music, sound, image or video input could be accomplished fairly naturally, the difficulties being in current computational processing limitations and file manipulation mechanics rather than in the data structures and algorithms involved. 



Baby Webmind User Interface




The Baby Webmind User Interface provides a simple yet flexible medium within which the AI Engine can interact with humans and learn from them.   It has the following components:


·          A chat window, where we can chat with the AI Engine

·          Reward and punishment buttons, which ideally should allow us to vary the amount of reward or punishment (a very hard smack as opposed to just a plain ordinary smack…)

·          A way to enter our emotions in, along several dimensions

·          A way for the AI Engine to show us its emotions [technically: the importance values of some of its FeelingNodes]


A comment on the emotional aspect is probably appropriate here.  Inputting emotion values via GUI widgets is obviously a very crude way of getting across emotion, compared to human facial expressions.  The same is true of Baby Webmind’s list of FeelingNode importances: this is not really the essence of the system’s feelings, which are distributed across its internal network.   Ultimately we’d like more flexible emotional interchange, but for starters, I reckon this system gives at least as much emotional interchange as one gets through e-mail and emoticons.


The next question is: what is Baby Webmind talking to us, and sharing feelings with us, about?  What world is it acting in?


Initially, Baby Webmind’s world consists of a database of files, which it interacts with via a series of operations representing its basic receptors and actuators.    It has an automatic ability to perceive files, directories, and URL’s, and to carry out several dozen basic file operations.


The system’s learning process is guided by a basic motivational structure.  The AI Engine wants to achieve its goals, and its Number One goal is to be happy.  Its initial motivation in making conversational and other acts in the Baby Webmind interface is to make itself happy (as defined by its happiness FeelingNode). 





Diagram of the EIL information workflow and major processing phases from the User Interface to the Webmind server and back again, using our Agent Interaction Protocol to mediate communications.



How is the Happiness FeelingNode defined?  For starters,


1.      If the humans interacting with it are happy, this increases the WAE's happiness. 

2.      Discovering interesting things increases the WAE’s happiness

3.      Getting happiness tokens (from the user clicking the UI’s reward button) increases the WAE’s happiness


The determinants of happiness in humans change as the human becomes more mature, in ways that are evolutionarily programmed into the brain.  We will need to effect this in the AI Eengine as well, manually modifying the grounding of happiness in the Happiness FeelingNode as the system progresses through stages of maturity.  Eventually this process will be automated, once there are many Webmind instances being taught by many other people and Webmind instances, but for the first time around, this will be a process of ongoing human experimentation.





One of the most critical aspects of the AI Engine – schema learning, the learning of procedures for perceiving, acting and thinking -- is also one of the most computationally intractable.  Based on our work so far, this is the one aspect of mental processing that seems to consume an inordinate amount of compute power.  Some aspects of computational language learning are also extremely computationally intensive, though not quite so much so.


Fortunately, though, none of these supremely computation-intensive tasks need to be done in real time.  This means that they can be carried out through large-scale distributed processing, across thousands or even millions of machines loosely connected via the Net.  Our system for accomplishing this kind of wide-scale “background processing” is called Webworld. 


Webworld is a sister software system to the AI Engine, sharing some of the same codebase, but serving a complementary function.  A Webworld lobe is a much lighter-weight version of an AI Engine lobe, which can live on a single-processor machine with a modest amount of RAM, and potentially a slow connection to other machines.  Webworld lobes host actors just like normal mind lobes, and they exchange actors and messages with other Webworld lobes and with AI Engines.  AI Engines can dispatch non-real-time, non-data-intensive “background thinking” processes (like schema learning and language learning problems) to Webworld, thus immensely enhancing the processing power at their disposal.  Webworld is a key part of the Webmind Inc. vision of an intelligent Internet.  It allows the AI Engine’s intelligence to effectively colonize the entire Net, rather than remaining restricted to small clusters of sufficiently powerful machines.
























The Position of AI in the Cosmos


We’ve been discussing the AI Engine as a mind, an isolated system – reviewing its internals.  But actually this is a limited, short-term view.  The AI Engine will start out as an isolated mind, but gradually, as it becomes a part of Internet software products, it will become a critical part of the Internet, causing significant changes in the Internet itself.


To understand the potential nature of these changes, it’s useful to introduce an additional philosophical concept, the metasystem transition.   Coined by Valentin Turchin, this refers, roughly speaking, to the point in a system’s evolution at which the whole comes to dominate the parts.  


According to current physics theories, there was a metasystem transition in the early universe, when the primordial miasma of disconnected particles cooled down and settled into atoms.  There was a metasystem transition on earth around four billion years ago, when the steaming primordial seas caused inorganic chemicals to clump together in groups capable of reproduction and metabolism.  (Or, as recent experiments suggest, perhaps this did not first happen in aerobic environments but deep in crevasses and at high pressures and temperatures.)  Unicellular life emerged, and once chemicals are embedded in life-forms, the way to understand them is not in terms of chemistry alone, but rather, in terms of concept like fitness, evolution, sex, and hunger. And there was another metasystem transition when multicellular life burst forth – suddenly the cell is no longer an autonomous life form, but rather a component in a life form on a higher level. 


Note that the metasystem transition is not an antireductionist concept, in the strict sense.  The idea isn’t that multicellular lifeforms have cosmic emergent properties that can’t be explained from the properties of cells.  Of course, if you had enough time and superhuman patience, you could explain what happens in a human body in terms of the component cells.  The question is one of naturalness and comprehensibility, or in other words, efficiency of expression.  Once you have a multicellular lifeform, it’s much easier to discuss and analyze the properties of this lifeform by reference to the emergent level than by going down to the level of the component cells.  In a puddle full of paramecia, on the other hand, the way to explain observed phenomena is usually by reference to the individual cells, rather than the whole population – the population has less wholeness, fewer interesting properties, than the individual cells.


In the domain of mind, there are also a couple levels of metasystem transition.  The first one is what we might call the emergence of “mind modules.”  This is when a huge collection of basic mind components – cells, in a biological brain; “software objects” in a computer mind – all come together in a unified structure to carry out some complex function.  The whole is greater than the sum of the parts: the complex functions that the system performs aren’t really implicit in any of the particular parts of the system, rather they come out of the coordination of the parts into a coherent whole.  The various parts of the human visual system are wonderful examples of this.  Billions of cells firing every which way, all orchestrated together to do one particular thing: map visual output from the retina into a primitive map of lines, shapes and colors, to be analyzed by the rest of the brain.  The best current AI systems are also examples of this.  In fact, computer systems that haven’t passed this transition I’d be reluctant to call “AI” in any serious sense. 


But, mind modules aren’t real intelligence, not in the sense that we mean it: Intelligence as the ability to carry out complex goals in complex environments.  Each mind module only does one kind of thing, requiring inputs of a special type to be fed to it, unable to dynamically adapt to a changing environment.  Intelligence itself requires one more metasystem transition: the coordination of a collection of mind modules into a whole mind, each module serving the whole and fully comprehensible only in the context of the whole. 


The AI Engine achieves this by allowing the interoperation of these intelligent modules within the context of a shared semantic representation – nodes, links and so forth.  Through the shared semantic representation these different intelligent components can interact and thus evolve a dynamical state which is not possible within any one of the modules.  Like a human brain, each specialized sub-system is capable of achieving certain complex perceptual (such as reading a page of text) or cognitive (such as inferring causal relations) goals which in themselves seem impressive - but when they are integrated, truly exciting new possibilities emerge.   Taken in combination, these intelligent modules embodying systems such as reasoning, learning and natural language processing, etc. undergo a metasystem transition to become a mind capable of achieving complex goals worthy of comparison to human abilities.   The resulting mind can not be described merely as a pipeline of AI process modules, rather it has its own dynamical properties which emerge from the interactions of these component parts, creating new and unique patterns which were not present in any of the sub-systems. 


Such a metasystem transition from modules to mind is a truly exciting emergence.  But it’s by no means the end of the line.  Turchin, the conceiver of the metasystem transition concept, proposed in his 1973 book The Phenomenon of Man (Turchin, 1977 is the English-language reference, but as the book is out of print see that the Internet and other communication technologies had the potential to lead to a new metasystem transition, in which humans are in some sense subordinate to an emergent “global brain.”   If this is the case, it’s quite likely that systems like the AI Engine will play a major part in the coming transition.  The AI Engine is part of the Web, but can also trigger self-organization in the Web as a whole, eventually overtaking the Web and causing the Web to experience its own Webmind-related metasystem transition. 


As we see it, the path from the Net that we have today to the global brain that Turchin envisioned – something that envelops humans and machines in a single overarching superorganism -- involves at least two metasystem transitions.   The first one is the emergence of the global web mind – the transformation of the Internet into a coherent intelligent system.  Currently the best way to explain what happens on the Net is to talk about the various parts of the Net: particular Websites, e-mail viruses, shopping bots, and so forth.  But there will come a point when this is no longer the case, when the Net has sufficient high-level dynamics of its own that the way to explain any one part of the Net will be by reference to the whole.   This will come about largely through the interactions of AI systems – intelligent programs acting on the behalf of various Websites, Web users, corporations, and governments will interact with each other intensively, forming something halfway between a society of AI’s and an emergent mind whose lobes are various AI agents serving various goals.  The traditional economy will be dead, replaced by a chaotically dynamical hypereconomy in which there are no intermediaries except for information intermediaries: producers and consumers (individually or in large aggregates created by automatic AI discovery of affinity groups) negotiate directly with each other to establish prices and terms, using information obtained from subtle AI prediction and categorization algorithms.   How far off this is we can’t really tell, but it would be cowardly not to give an estimate: we’re betting no more than 10 years.


The second metasystem transition will be the one envisioned by Turchin and his colleages at Principia Cybernetica ( the effective fusion of the global Web mind and the humans interacting with it.   As time goes by, more and more of our interactions will be mediated by the global emergent intelligent Net – every appliance we use will be jacked into the  matrix; every word that we say potentially transmitted to anyone else on the planet using wearable cellular telephony or something similar; every thought that we articulate entered into an AI system that automatically elaborates it and connects it with things other humans and AI agents have said and thought elsewhere in the world – or things other humans and AI agents are expected to say based on predictive technology….  




Architecture Diagram for an Intelligent Internet


Taking this vision one step closer to reality, let’s look at what this might mean in terms of the Internet of the next 5 years.  Of course, we realize that no such “map of the future” is likely to be extremely accurate.  The Internet is a complex and rapidly evolving system.  No one person, company or computer program can control it.  But nonetheless, we can all take part in guiding it.  And in order to do this intelligently, an overarching vision is required.


The figure below is an attempt at an “architecture diagram” for the entire Net, in its Webmind-infused form.  Naturally, any diagram with such a broad scope is going to skip over a lot of details.  The point is to get across a broad global vision:





First, we have a vast variety of “client computers,” some old, some new, some powerful, some weak.  Some of these access the intelligent Net through dumb client applications – they don’t directly contribute to internet intelligence at all.  Others have smart clients such as WebWorld clients, which carry out two kinds of operations: personalization operations intended to help the machines serve particular clients better, and general AI operations handed to them by sophisticated AI server systems or other smart clients.


Next there are “commercial servers”, computers that carry out various tasks to support various types of heavyweight processing – transaction processing for e-commerce applications, inventory management for warehousing of physical objects, and so forth.  Some of these commercial servers interact with client computers directly, others do so only via AI servers.  In nearly all cases, these commercial servers can benefit from intelligence supplied by AI servers.


Finally, there is what I view as the crux of the intelligent Internet: clusters of AI servers distributed across the Net, each cluster representing an individual computational mind.  Some of these will be Webminds, others may be other types of AI systems.  These will be able to communicate via a common language, and will collectively “drive” the whole Net, by dispensing problems to client machines via WebWorld or related client-side distributed processing frameworks, and by providing real-time AI feedback to commercial servers of various types.  Some AI servers will be general-purpose and will serve intelligence to commercial servers using an ASP (Application Service Provider) model; others will be more specialized, tied particularly to a certain commercial server (e.g. Yahoo might have its own AI cluster to back-end its portal services).


Is this the final configuration for the Global Brain?  No way.  Is it the only way to do things?  No.  But this seems the most workable architecture for moving things from where they are now to a reasonably intelligent Net.  After this, the dynamics of societies of AI agents become the dominant factor, with the commercial servers and client machines as a context.  And after that….



A Path to the Singularity


The Global Brain is a fascinating aspect of the AI Engine’s likely future – but it’s not the end of the story.   Another part of the grand and fabulous future is the Singularity – a meme that seems to be on the rise these days.


The notion of “the Singularity” is not specifically tied to AI; it was proposed in the 70’s by science fiction writer Vernor Vinge, referring to the notion that the accelerating pace of technological change would ultimate reach a point of discontinuity.  At this point, our predictions are pretty much useless – our technology has outgrown us in the same sense that we’ve outgrown ants and beavers.


Eliezer Yudkowsky and Brian Atkins have founded a non-profit organization called the Singularity Institute ( devoted to helping to bring about the Singularity, and making sure it’s a positive event for humanity rather than the instantaneous end of humankind.  Yudkowsky has put particular effort into understanding the AI aspects of the singularity, discoursing extensively on the notion of Friendly AI – the creation of AI systems that, as they rewrite their own source code achieving progressively greater and greater intelligence, leave invariant the portion of their code requiring them to be friendly to human beings (see


The notion of the Singularity seems to be a valid one, and the notion of an AI system approach it by progressively rewriting its own source code also seems to be valid.  But not all of the details of Yudkowsky’s vision of Singularity-inducing AI seem to be sufficiently carefully considered.   From a Webmind AI Engine perspective, the following is the sequence of events that seems most likely to lead up to the Singularity:


1)      Someone (most likely the Webmind AI Engine team!) creates a fairly intelligent AI, one that can be taught, conversed with, etc.

2)      This AI is taught about programming languages, is taught about algorithms and data structures, etc.

3)      It begins by being able to write and optimize and rewrite simple programs

4)      After it achieves a significant level of practical software engineering experience and mathematical and AI knowledge, it is able to begin improving itself ... at which point the hard takeoff begins.


My intuition is that, even in this picture, the “hard takeoff” to superhuman intelligence will take a few years, not minutes.  But that's still pretty fast by the standards of human progress.


Although his writings are not 100% clear on this point, I think that this picture of the path to the Singularity is a little different from that of Eliezer Yudkowsky.   My sense is that he views self-modification as entering into the picture earlier, perhaps in Stage 1, as the best way of getting to the first "fairly intelligent AI."  I'm not 100% sure this is wrong, but after a lot of thought I have not seen a good way to do this, whereas I have a pretty clear picture of how to get to the Singularity according to the steps I've outlined here.  The Singularity emerges as a consequence of emergence-producing, dynamic feedback between the AI Engine and intelligent program analysis tools like the Java supercompiler.  The global brain then becomes not only intelligent but superintelligent, and we, as part of the global brain, are swept up into this emerging global superintelligence in ways that we can barely begin to imagine.


To cast the self-modification problem in the language of Webmind AI, it suffices to observe that self-modification is a special case of the kind of problem we call “schema learning.  The AI Engine itself is just a big procedure, a big program, a big schema.  The ultimate application of schema learning, therefore, is the application of the system to learn how to make itself better.  The complexity of the schema learning problem, with which we have some practical experience, suggests how hard the “self-modifying AI” problem really is.  Sure, it’s easy enough to make a small, self-modifying program.  But, such a program is not intelligent.  It’s closer to being “artificial life” of a very primitive nature.  Intelligence within practical computational resources requires a lot of highly specialized structures.  These lead to a complicated program – a big, intricate mind-schema – which is difficult to understand, optimize and improve.  Creating a simple self-modifying program and expecting it to become intelligent through progressive environment-driven self-modification is an interesting research programme, but it seems more like an attempt to emulate the evolution of life on Earth, than an attempt to create a single intelligence within a reasonable time frame.


But just because the “learn my own schema” problem is hard, doesn’t mean it’s unsolvable.  A Java or C program can be represented as a schema in the AI Engine’s internal data structures, and hence it can be reasoned about, mutated and crossed over, and so forth.  This is what needs to be done, ultimately, to create a system that can understand itself and make itself smarter and smarter as time goes on – eliminating the need for human beings to write AI code and write books like this one.   Reasoning about schema representing Java programs requires a lot of specialized intuition, and specialized preprocessing may well be useful here, such as for instance the automated analysis and optimization of program execution flow being done in the Java supercompilation project (   There is a lot of work here, but it’s a fascinating direction, and a necessary one.



Grand Finale



All of us involved in the project believe that the Webmind AI Engine, once fully implemented and tested, will lead to a computer program that manifests intelligence, according to the criterion of being able to carry out conversations with humans that will be subjectively perceived as intelligent.  It will demonstrate an understanding of the contexts in which it is operating, an understanding of who it is and why it is doing what it is doing, an ability to creatively solve problems in domains that are new to it, and so forth. And of  course it will supersede human intelligence in some respects, by combining an initially probably modest general intelligence with capabilities unique to digital computers like accurate arithmetic and financial forecasting.


All the bases are covered in the design given here: every major aspect of the mind studied in psychology and brain science.  They’re all accomplished together, in a unified framework.  It’s a big system, it’s going to demand a lot of computational resources, but that’s really to be expected; the human brain, our only incontrovertible example of human-level intelligence, is a complex and powerful information-processing device. 


Not all aspects of the system are original in conception, and indeed, this is much of the beauty of the thing.  The essence of the system is the provision of an adaptable self-reconstructing platform for integration of insights from a huge number of different disciplines and subdisciplines.  In Webmind aspects of mind that have previously seemed disparate are drawn together into a coherent self-organizing whole.   The cliché’ Newton quote, “If I’ve seen further than others, it’s because I’ve stood on the shoulders of giants” inevitably comes to mind here.  (As well as the modification I read somewhere: “If others have seen further than me, it’s because giants were standing on my shoulders.”….)  The human race has been pushing toward AI for a long time – the Webmind AI Engine, if it is what I think it is, just puts on the finishing touches. 


While constructing an ambitious system like this naturally takes a long time, we were making steady and rapid progress until Webmind Inc.’s dissolution in early 2001.  It seems Arthur C. Clarke was off by a bit -- Webmind won’t be talking like HAL in the film 2001 until a bit later in the millennium.  But if the project can be rapidly refunded, before the group of people with AI Engine expertise dissipates, we can expect Baby Webmind’s first moderately intelligent conversations sometime in the year 2002, and that’s going to be pretty bloody cool!


Coda: Answers to Common Complaints



Finally, what are the complaints and counterarguments most often heard when discussing this project with outsiders?


First, there are those who just don’t believe AI is possible, or believe that AI is only possible on quantum computers, or quantum gravity computers, etc.  Forget about them.  They’ll see.  You can’t argue anyone out of their religion.  Science is on the side of digital AI at this point, as has been exhaustively argued by many people.


Then there are those who feel the system doesn’t go far enough in some particular aspect of the mind: temporal or causal reasoning, or grammar parsing, or perceptual pattern recognition, or whatever.  This complaint usually comes from people who have a research expertise in one or another of these specialty areas.  The WAE’s general learning algorithms, they say, will always be inferior to the highly specialized techniques that they know so well.  My feeling is that the current WAE design is about specialized enough.  I don’t think it is so overspecialized as to become brittle and non-adaptable, but I worry that if it becomes more overspecialized, this will be the case.  My intuition is that things like temporal and causal reasoning should be learned by the system as groundings of the concepts “time”  and “cause” and related concepts, rather than wired in. 


On the other side, there are those who feel that the system is “too symbolic.”  They want something more neural-nettish, or more like a simple self-modifying system as I described in Chaotic Logic and From Complexity to Creativity.  I can relate to this point of view quite well, philosophically.  But a careful analysis of the system’s design indicates that there is nothing a more subsymbolic system can do that this one can’t.    We have schema embodying Boolean networks, feeding input into each other, learning interrelationships via hebbian learning, and being evolved by a kind of evolutionary-ecological programming.  This is in fact a subsymbolic network of procedures, differing from an evolutionary neural net architecture only in that the atomic elements are Boolean operators rather than threshold operators – a fairly insubstantial difference which could be eliminated if there were reason to do so.  The fact that this subsymbolic evolving adaptive procedure network is completely mappable into the symbolic, inferential aspect of the system is not a bad thing, is it?  I would say that in the WAE design we have achieved a very smooth integration of the symbolic and subsymbolic domains, even smoother than is likely to exist in the human brain.  This will serve WAE well in the future.


There’s the complaint that Baby Webmind won’t have a rich enough perceptual environment with just the Internet.  Maybe.  Maybe we’ll need to hook up eyes and ears to it.  But there’s a hell of a lot of data out there, and the ability to correlate numerical and textual data is a good correlate of the crossmodal sensory correlation that is so critical to the human brain.  I really believe that this complaint is just plain old anthropomorphism.


There’s the complaint that there are too many parameters and it will take forever to get it to actually work, as opposed to theoretically working.  This is indeed a bit of a worry, I can’t deny it.  But we’ve gone a long way by testing and tuning the individual modules of the system separately, and so far our experience indicates that the parameter values giving optimal function for independent activity of a mind module are generally at least acceptable values for the activity of that mind module in an integrated WAE context.  A methodology of tuning parameters for subsystems in isolation, then using the values thus obtained as initial points for further dynamic adaptation, seems very likely to succeed in general just as it has in some special cases already.


Finally, there are those who reckon the design is about right, but we just don’t have the processing power and memory to run it, yet.  This complaint scares me a little bit too.  But not too much.  Based on our experimentation with the system so far, there are only two things that seems to require vastly more computer power than is available on a cluster of a few dozen powerful PC’s.  The first thing, schema learning, is something that can be done offline, running in the background on millions of PC’s around the world.  Webworld.  The second, real-time conversation processing, can likely be carried out on a single supercomputer, serving as the core of the AI Engine cluster.  We have a very flexible software agents system that is able to support a variety of different hardware configurations, and we believe that by utilizing available hardware optimally, we can make a fairly smart computer program even in 2001-2002.  Of course, the more hardware it gets, the clever it will become….  Soon enough it will be literally begging us for more, more, more!