Books I’m Working On

Here is a list of books I’m working on now… at various levels of completion…  Eight books, to potentially come out over the next fixe years (OK maybe some will slip a bit past that!).  Not bad considering book-writing is a spare-time pursuit and not my full-time job — but note that I’m helped on many of these books by awesome co-authors.

Real World Reasoning: Toward Scalable, Uncertain Spatiotemporal, Contextual and Causal Inference (with Nil Geisweiller, Lucio Coelho, Predrag Janicic, Cassio Pennachin).  We’re finalizing the proofs of this one just now, it will appear via Atlantis Press.  This began as a report written for a government agency, but we spun it off as a book.  Part of it gives examples of PLN applied to spatiotemporal and causal reasoning.  Part of it gives probably the only textbook-level review of recent work in spatiotemporal and contextual logic.

Foundations of Artificial General Intelligence (an edited book: the first editor is Pei Wang, I’m the second).  This is a follow-up to the previous edited volume “Artificial General Intelligence” that Cassio Pennachin and I edited, focusing this time more on theoretical issues.  We’re collecting the chapters this month and the book will be out next year, via Atlantis Press.

Building Better Minds (with Nil Geisweiller and Cassio Pennachin)– an 800 page technical book on how to build an advanced thinking machine.  This is basically done, but the figures and diagrams and references need work, and the whole thing needs a bunch of proofreading.

Faster Than You Think: How AGI Will Soon Change Everything
(with Lisa Rein and Stephan Bugaj) — a non-technical, “popular” book on the path to AGI.  Including a lot of H+ Magazine articles and interviews, plus a bunch of new stuff.

Intelligent Genomics (with Lucio Coelho and Cassio Pennachin) — an overview of our novel methods for crunching SNP and microarray data via mining information from classifier ensembles.  The text for this one already exists but it’s in extremely rough form, having been pasted from a bunch of research papers.

? — a philosophical treatise giving a careful explanation of the mind and universe.  Sort of like a detailed analytical analogue of “A Cosmist Manifesto” + “The Hidden Pattern.”   This one will be fairly short, highly dense, and not that easy to read.  No references, no personal comments, no rambling exposition.  Actually this is the book I’m most excited about personally, although I realize there’s little market for this sort of thing!  If I found I had only 3 months to live, I would spend those three months hanging around with my family, playing the piano, hiking, and writing this book.

Mindplex — an avant-garde fiction work, romping through the minds of various individuals as they approach the Singularity and their minds start to blend.  I started writing this already, and have to actively force myself not to spend time on it while trying to finish Building Better Minds and Faster Than You Think.  Probably after I finish “?” I’ll spend my “writing for pure fun” time on this.

A Formal Theory of Real-World General Intelligence (with Matt Ikle’ and Nil Geisweiller) — Building Better Minds contains some material working toward a formal theory of general intelligence, but it’s still preliminary and fragmentary at present.  Algorithmic information theory, hyperset theory, category theory and information geometry are all ingredients.  Eventually, once we’ve filled in enough blanks, we’ll wrap it up as a (technical) book.

>no title yet< — I’m slowly and incrementally accumulating notes toward writing some sort of autobiography one day.  Every time I send an email that includes some anecdote from my life, I paste it into a Google Doc, and there’s a fairly large but extremely haphazard collection by now.  I’ve always wished it were possible to read autobiographies written by interesting people in the thick of their lives, rather than written by old people looking back.  However, nobody has much time to write an autobiography while in the thick of their life, and I don’t either.  So this one may wait till I get old, or until I get famous enough that my autobiography will be a best-seller, or till I can spawn a clone to write it.  But anyway, the notes are accumulating 😉 ..