Ben Goertzel, Ph.D.





















I am just now completing a one-year research fellowship in the UNM CS Dept., funded by a grant from the Jeffrey Epstein Foundation, and am seeking a full-time R&D position.


I am presently involved on a consultative level with several early-stage startup firms that I helped found:



and one other firm:




Date of Birth: Dec. 8, 1966
Citizenship: USA
Married, with 3 children







·       80+ direct reports at Webmind Inc., 1998-2001

·       Managed R&D, product development of mutiple products, marketing and sales, and provision of software solutions to client firms

·       Managed teams spanning Australia, New Zealand, New York, Brazil, Russia and South Africa

·       Experienced with issues such as operations, recruiting, setting and negotiating salaries and benefits, stock options, green cards, leasing office space, international finance, US and international patent, IP and bankruptcy law

·       Experienced with software process management and technical risk management



The team I managed at Webmind Inc. created the following software products.   In each case I provided very significant hands-on technical expertise and innovation as well as management.

I am involved with the following products currently under development:

·       Biomind LLC: A suite of products related to gene expression data analysis, including the Biomind Genetic Network Analyzer, Biomind Genetics Server and BiomindDB.  The alpha version of the Genetic Network Analyzer will be released this summer.

·       BioCognate: An NLP information extraction product focused on biology research papers, this product is at the design phase, and is a collaboration between Biomind LLC and the New York software firm iCognate

·       Supercompilers LLC: An alpha version of the Java Supercompiler was released in late 2001.  Version 1 is due in late 2003.


A patent for text-based market prediction has been applied for, under the names of myself and my former Webmind Inc. colleague Lisa Pazer.





The vast majority of my publication record dates from the period before 1997, when I founded Webmind Inc.   Most of my work from 1998-2001 was considered proprietary at that time.  During 2003 a number of papers describing aspects of this work will appear; see the “papers in preparation” section below.


Due to their breadth of scope, I have grouped my publications by topic area here. 



Mathematical, Computational and Theoretical Bioscience


Refereed Journals




Mathematical Aspects of Complex Systems Science


Refereed Journals


Refereed Conference Proceedings



General Systems Theory


Edited Volumes



Applications of Evolutionary Programming


Refereed Journals



Refereed Conference Proceedings


·       Goertzel, Ben (1994). Evolving Fractal Industrial Music, Proceedings of SYNAESTHETICA94 Conference on Computer Animation and Computer Music, Canberra: Australian Centre for Arts and Technology



Cognitive Science


Refereed Journals

·       Goertzel, Ben (1997). The Complex Mind/Brain -- I. The Psynet Model of Mental Structure and Dynamics, Complexity

·       Goertzel, Ben (1997). Dream Dynamics: A Process Perspective. In Noetic Journal, Special issue on Mind as a Complex System

·       Goertzel, Ben (1997). Faces of Complexity in Psychology. In Noetic Journal, Special issue on Mind as a Complex System

·       Goertzel, Ben and Mike Kalish (1997). Mindspace Curvature. In Noetic Journal, Special issue on Mind as a Complex System

·       Goertzel, Ben (1996). Artificial Selfhood -- the Path to True Artificial Intelligence, Informatica

·       Goertzel, Ben (1993). Brain Function as Evolution, J. Soc. and Ev. Sys. 15-4, p. 399

·       Goertzel, Ben (1993). Some Thoughts on Akin's Spiteful Computer, Minds and Machines 4-1, p. 75

·       Goertzel, Ben (1993). Psychology and Logic, J. Soc. and Ev. Sys. 16-4, p. 439
·       Goertzel, Ben (1992) Quantum Theory and Consciousness, J. of Mind and Behavior 13-1, p. 29

Edited Volumes

Refereed Conference Proceedings



Theoretical Computer Science


Refereed Journals




Social, Economic and Cultural Systems


Refereed Journals

Non-refereed Journals



Edited Volumes


·       Goertzel, Ted and Ben Goertzel (1995). The Dynamics of Belief in the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas Trial, in Chaos and Society, Ed. by Pierre Lemiux


Statistical Data Mining

Refereed Journals

Financial Prediction

Refereed Journals


Engineering of Artificial General Intelligence




  Technical Reviews and Commentary Items










During the period since early 1999 I have published a number of articles in the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemaine Zeitung, and a handful of others in European magazines.  Most of these have dealt with topics or individuals in computer science or science in general, or with “visionary futuristic” themes.  English-language versions of most of the articles can be found at





In recent years have given dozens of presentation on commercial AI applications at a variety of computer industry events.   Most recently, for example, I was a keynote speaker at the Outsell E-content conference in Phoenix, in March 2001, on the topic of “The Future of E-content Technology.” 


There is a hiatus in my academic speaking history due to my time spent in industry


Relatively recent academic research talks:



Academic research talks from my pre-industry academic period:



Prior to 1995, I also gave a number of talks at academic conferences in various disciplines, but no record of these exists! 




Courses I created myself: Introduction to Cognitive Science, Fractal Geometry




·       Takuo Henmi, PhD in Cognitive Science, 1998, University of Western Australia.  “The Nu Recursion: A Nonlinear Dynamical Approach to Psychophysics”






·       Takuo Henmi, PhD in Cognitive Science, 1998, University of Western Australia.  “The Nu Recursion: A Nonlinear Dynamical Approach to Psychophysics”



Lists of references relevant to the teaching, business or journalistic aspects of my career are available upon request.